Hey there,
Oops... It appears we had some technical difficulty with the newsletter I sent out last night. You received the links, headlines and videos except the text got deleted. Oh the wonders of email newsletter construction ;)
Unfortunately the explanations I had in the body copy is all lost, but looking back on the email, it seems as though it probably made sense, you just missed out on my commentary... By all means if you have any questions about anything, especially the event that is happening tomorrow, please don't hesitate to ask!
Peacefest is happening Saturday, July 10th from 11am - 8pm at the Riverside Park Concert Bandshell in Guelph, Ontario! More info can be found at the event page here:
I'll be serving two drinks, one is a goji-aloe-lemon-aid and the other is a chocolate vanilla chai. Drinks will be $5, bring a mug and you get a hug (otherwise I have disposable compostable cups).
Swell with Life,
P.S. Please feel free to add me as a contact on any of the sites listed below:
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